
New Stream Event - Value Arrival107

MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
We've created a new type of event called Value Arrival. Its action package will be executed whenever values are appended to a stream.

The Value Condition event can't really handle the simple scenario of executing an action package whenever data arrives since it expects the event to start and stop. That's why the Value Arrival event was created.

Value arrival events will not appear on maps or within the Active Events window. We may change this if enough users have a requirement for it.

Adding a Value Arrival event:

Editing a Value Arrival event:

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fixingthingsguy private msg quote post Address this user
I'm using Value Events for reporting change in states (anything, a door open/close, a garage door open/close, etc). So, I've now implemented buffering of data. Mostly buffering in practice of between 1-3 state changes to avoid hitting the 10sec threshold.
I am wondering if the Value Events are to fire off an email notification for all buffered data. I am not seeing that happen, and its not consistent, but usually it seems to use some intelligence and give me the last value and one other data point. I'm doing further checking, but if the requirement/spec for Value Events doesn't permit firing a notification for all received buffered data, then I'll think of something else.
Please clarify and I understand this is a new feature.
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fixingthingsguy private msg quote post Address this user
Per above mail, I have some data attached which seems to support the possibility that Value Events are not being fired for all "batched" events. That may be the way its supposed to work, want to verify. Of course it would be nice to have notification for all "batched" events. In this case, for testing I sent up more events than will happen most of the time.

Post 3 IP   flag post
fixingthingsguy private msg quote post Address this user
And another data point, I tried Value Condition events with "buffered " data and they trigger notifications for all events which are received from the buffer. Which is what I need.
So I'll test some more with Value Condition Events to make sure.
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MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
Data arrival events will only process the action package for the last value when more than one value is uploaded at a time - as designed today. We weren't sure how everyone would use it so that's what we started with.

We could easily do the trigger for each value in the batch upload. We're wondering if that would be what everyone would want, or if we need to include a new setting for Value arrival events: "Process only the Last Value for batch uploads?"
Post 5 IP   flag post
fixingthingsguy private msg quote post Address this user
I am now using the Value Condition Events and that works for me just fine. Should have used it in the first place but got lazy, the Value Events were so easy to set up for my app, because I just watch state changes once in a while and there is no need to manage "dwell" or "location" or other things.

The minimum thing I would suggest for Value Events is a "note" added to the Value Event page, saying that when buffered events are used, notification only occurs for the most recent event.

Next in priority would be to set up the default as above, and add the ability to "request" notifications in the "Advanced" tab for all buffered events. i.e. should a user buffer a whole bunch of data they won't be snarled by a similar quantity of notifications, inadvertently of course.

Thanks for your prompt attention. I appreciate it.
Post 6 IP   flag post
fixingthingsguy private msg quote post Address this user
I didn't find a suitable place to log this comment, dealing with "heartbeats".
In my monitoring project, it is possible that power may be lost and no transmissions will be sent. I want to explore the possibility of triggering a notification upon non receipt of a transmission. I can send heartbeat data every 1/2 hour. And that not arriving would be a cause for a notification. However, in the action packages I didn't come across a function I can use. If there is a way, please let me know. I was thinking that would be the best place for a heartbeat check.
I haven't fully investigated derived streams, but perhaps something could be done there, I haven't thought that one out.

It would be an incredibly powerful feature since it layers on another level of reliability, being that GS is far more reliable than my network.
Thanks for any feedback.
Post 7 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
I think it's a Latency Event you want. It will send out alerts when a stream has not been appended within a defined amount of seconds.
Post 8 IP   flag post
fixingthingsguy private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you for reminding me of that capability. Missed it. It is exactly what I need and adds a huge reliability improvement when my network fails for whatever reason.
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