
Embed Widget In Code HTML120

Spud private msg quote post Address this user
I have started playing with an Arduino and uploading Pulse counts from my power meter, Temp and Humidity, all is working pretty good.
I am trying to embed a widget by copy and paste from the Observation studio dashboard in a blank HTML file on my web site, Then link to this from another page, the problem I am having is that everything works fine in Google Chrome but, it appears to load in Internet Explorer 11 then just shows as a blank page, when run in compatibility mode shows the meter frame with meter name but still no meter.
Am I missing something simple here.
The code below is the contents of the html file it will work in Chrome but not IE
I have checked Internet option > Security > Custom Level > Scripting Of Java Aplets = Enable
Have installed and confirmed working the latest version of Java, the meter works fine in the Dashboard on IE.
Thanks in advance for any help.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script id="GblId1656" type="text/javascript">
    function getEmbedMetaDataGblId1656() {
        return {
            "apiKey": '2cf686f0-d8e6-36f2-bbb3-406424c73b7e',
            "orgUid": '0bda6727-c31f-351f-b8a5-417716e71e81',
            "dashUid": 'fbb8f9df-7f73-3184-8197-43c532de8470',
            "widgetUid": 'ced2d1a1-25d8-3864-b13e-dd8a1df2ad5c',
            "cType": 'http',
            "embedHeight": 820,
            "embedWidth": 816,
            "embedBorder": true
<div id="embedWidgetDivGblId1656"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""> 
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MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
We reproduced this and have created a patch. Our plan is to apply the patch later today or tomorrow.

Thanks for reporting it!
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MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
The patch has been applied. We tested your embed code and it worked on IE11 now. You may need to do a hard F5 while your browser is pointing at that page to refresh your local browser cache with our changes.
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Spud private msg quote post Address this user
All working on IE11, Chrome and Safari on iDevices.
Finally getting the hang of this stuff.
for anyone interested here is a link to what I have set up
Desert Projects Grovestreams
This should be trending for a while until things get changed around.
I plan to show how I have done this and code if I get time for others to experiment with.
Post 4 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
@Spud - Very nice page! We just posted an energy cost tutorial yesterday. The tutorial's cost technique isn't real-world (average monthly kWh * price), but it is a good tutorial to learn how to do a cost calculation.
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