
Updating rollups when the input changes148

seckford private msg quote post Address this user
I had some problems with a 6 minute interval datastream where some inputs went to zero, which throws off the daily / weekly max / min
rollups. I've tried deleting the data from the original stream, using Delete for the specific original entry, but that doesn't update the rollup.

Is there any way to force a recalculation of rollups? Deleting a range of entries seems to do that.

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MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
Deleting, today, will not do a recalc of rollups.

A component reconcile will trigger a recalc of rollups. For example, remove the stream rollup calendar, save the component, wait until the reconcile is complete, re-assign the rollup calendar, and save the component.

Why don't we do a recalc of rollups during delete? We used to do a recalc but changed it to satisfy the use case of allowing the tail of a stream to be deleted (think of the delete profile) while preserving all of the rollups. This way, vast amounts of detailed stream data could be removed from the store, while allowing rollup statistics to remain.

But, we've been reconsidering this design since you posted the delete bug. I think what we'll do is leave the design but have a "Force Rollup Recalculation" option during a manual delete from the studio.
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seckford private msg quote post Address this user
"Force rollup recalc" sounds the best solution to me. It's not something you always want, but sometimes it's necessary. I can see that doing it automatically on tail delete would be a problem.

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seckford private msg quote post Address this user
I've tried the sequence:
  Edit the component
  Change all the components stream rollups to None
  Save, forcing a recalc as expected
  Change all the components stream rollups to the original calendar
  Save, forcing a recalc as expected

but the minimum value stays at its original zero, generated by the faulty input.

Is there another way to force a complete recalc?


Ah-HA! Dumb looks still free; editing the underlying stream alone isn't enough, you have to edit the problematic derived stream as well, and the dashboard is then updated. I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature, but it solves my problem.
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MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
Rollups are now updated during deletes.
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