
Dashboard Widget Stream Formula Expressions221

MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
We've added the ability to apply an expression to streams in dashboard widgets:

The variable value is the sample value within an expression.

The expression is applied to the feed on the server during the stream feed request. Visual offsets and multipliers are still applied to the stream after the expression has already been applied on the server.

Expressions can be applied to stream groups too.

The calculation engine is the same engine that is used for derivation and event detection so the same library of operators and functions are available.

Some Examples:
value * 100 : Multiplies each data point times 100
if(isNull(value), 0, value) : Fill gaps with zero in the graph
if (value > 100, 100, value) : Set a ceiling of 100
if (value > 100, 100, if (value < 0, 0, value)) : Set a floor of zero and a ceiling of 100
if (value > 100, NULL, value) : Set values above 100 to gaps. This will cause a line graph not to display the value if connect gaps is false.
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xcguy private msg quote post Address this user
I'd like to have an expression that converts Boolean True/False to Open/Close. I tried:
if (value, 'Open', 'Close')
But that generates String can't be converted to Boolean error. Any ideas?
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MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
I think the issue is that the widget is expecting the result type to match the stream value type which is boolean. You could create a new derived String/Text stream as a workaround:
- Copy the boolean stream within the component editor.
* Change its value type to String/Text
* Derive it, via formula expression, from the boolean stream. Set the expression to if (var1, 'Open', 'Close')
- Use the copied stream in your widget
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xcguy private msg quote post Address this user
Worked great, thanks for the tip.
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MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
Another solution is to just create a new Unit for the boolean stream that has its Boolean Format set to Close/Open.

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xcguy private msg quote post Address this user

I like this second suggestion -- using the new Boolean Format Close/Open. However, I need it flipped -- when a contact sensor is open, it's value is true, and when it's closed, it's false.

Can you make a "Open/Close" type we can use for the Boolean Format?
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MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
@xcguy - Sure. Done. Do an F5 while within your Org's Observation Studio to refresh the GS java script files in your browser's cache.
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xcguy private msg quote post Address this user
Perfect. Thank you!
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runforfun7 private msg quote post Address this user
Is it possible to do an expression of value - yesterday's value? Trying see the amount of kWhs used each day without having to reset the value every day as I want to just reset that monthly.
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MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
@runforfun7 Not directly using a widget expression. I think what you want is already being done for you.

All time rollups, including day and month SUMs are available for selection and viewing:

From within the Stream Viewer. Double click a stream:

From within a dashboard widget:

If that doesn't answer your question, then a derived stream is probably the answer. Let us know either way.
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runforfun7 private msg quote post Address this user
Got it to work in the stream viewer, but seem to be having issues with it as a widget. Cycle is set to Days and then picked sum.
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MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
@runforfun7 - What kind of issues?
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