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* Added Display Filters back to Notification lists
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* Added Delete to content permissions. Previously, the Write permission determined if a user had rights to Delete an item. The new Delete permission defaults to the Write permission setting for items that had permissions configured.

* Improved the "Are you sure you want to delete ..." message to include more information about what's being deleted. Improved message:

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Patch Applied:

* Fix for a derived stream's dependent being deleted and causing issues with editing and saving the component that the derived stream belongs to. The deleted stream should still show up in the list with the name of 'MISSING' and give the modeler the chance to fix it:

* Fix for a derived stream precedent detection for a stream that originally wasn't a derived stream during the first save but was after that.

* Fix for "Move to.." in content folders. The move to folder had to have been expanded (lazy fetched) or the move to would fail.

* Remove spell check for several GS SQL Editors
* Fixed GS SQL Test window's Display Filter
* Added startDate and endDate to stream's quick view:

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* Applied a patch for email addresses with special characters like the plus sign

* Starting to drop explore and learning videos
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* New real-time derivation enhancement

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1. Added "Copy To"
a. Copy multiple folders and components to other multiple folders.
b. Copy streams to other components
c. Copy stream data to other streams while doing a stream type conversion and reconcile
2. Improved delete confirmation 
3. Ensure all trees visually indicated the same change. For example, if a component is renamed in one tree, it is renamed in the search and picker trees
4. Tree bug fixes such as copying to a folder that no longer existed

Learn about the new features in this awesome video:
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* Stream Derivation Dependency Reconcile Lock option fix

* Added Stream .csv Import/Export

Stream Viewer Export Entire Stream in .csv GS Format:

Stream Viewer Import Stream Window. Supports both stream exports formats plus more date formats:

Added Import Export options to right-click menu in GS Studio and in the new dashboard designer site:

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* New Dashboard Designer Announcement

More information in this video:
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* Stream & Component CSV Import/Export Enhancements

* Stream Derivation By Expression Diagnostics and Drill-Into Functionality.

See this video for details:
Post 234 IP   flag post
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* Added support for Monnit Rules Webhook. In beta.

* Added Manual Derive menu options and buttons. Up to 20 precedent streams of the derived stream will be derived immediately too.
** The From dependent changes forward option is for impatient users. It will run normal derivation immediately vs waiting a minute or two for the job servers to run it. It will only process dirty time ranges - not the whole stream.
** The All option will delete all of the derived stream's data and re-derive all of it immediately.

*Added shortcut buttons to the Drill Through window grid columns:
** Re-derive
** Open Diagnostic Window
** Expand Rollup Cycle

* The Expand button (1) will open a new window with a new column (2) that includes the previous cycle's values. This will help to see how a rollup value was calculated within a derived stream

* Added a Diagnostic Tips button to the bottom of the Derivation Diagnostics window. Brings up a window of troubleshooting tips.

* The Run Derivation options require Execute rights.
* The Diagnostic and Drill Into windows require Read rights.
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* Support for Big Strings
* Improved Derivation Expression and GS SQL Editors
* Better GS SQL Error Messages
* Several GS SQL fixes
* Many Studio scrollbar and splitter issues fixed
* New JSON and CSV string parsing functions

Post 236 IP   flag post
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* Added GS SQL INSERT statement
* Added GS SQL WITH statement
* Added GS SQL CASE statement
* Added GS SQL SUBSTR function
* GS SQL supports multiple statements in one call. Separated by semicolons
* GS SQL LIKE also uses % and _ as wildcards now
* GS SQL IF supported. Same as IIF
* GS SQL MIN and MAX aggregation can also be treated as functions now

* New Derivation Functions
** avgNg(x1, previousSampleCount [, respectTod] [, maxLookBackIntvls] [, maxLookBackIncludesFilteredIntvls] [, minSampleCount]) Calculates the rolling average while ignoring gaps. Can respect Time-of-day.
** avgPeaksNg(x1, previousSampleCount [, respectTod] [, maxLookBackIntvls] [, maxLookBackIncludesFilteredIntvls] [, minSampleCount]) Just like avgNg but returns the Maximum sample instead of the average.
** avgNgForward(x1, futureSampleCount [, respectTod] [, maxLookForwardIntvls] [, maxLookForwardIncludesFilteredIntvls] [, minSampleCount])
** ruPercentile(x1, percentileDecimal) Calculates the roll-up percentile

The derivation functions have been in use for a couple of years. They are highly complex and had many issues early on so we were reluctant to expose them. They are stable now, but results should be verified as you introduce them into your logic.

Adding INSERT to GS SQL will solve many use cases such as Importing and using GS SQL as a derived stream source. Just use an INSERT within a Scheduled Saved Query and you now have one or more derived streams from GS SQL. Very powerful.

Adding CASE and WITH and other SQL features makes GS SQL easier to read and more compatible with other SQL implementations. This is important as AI can be asked to generate SQL statements and it will tend to use common SQL keywords.

Give it a try. Ask your favorite AI: "Generate a GS SQL statement that does XXX"

GS SQL will become more important as AI becomes more of a "user/operator" of platforms and not just a "really good answer bot". SQL will be one of many common APIs that AI will use to access data.
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* Connectors: Provides the capability to accept, parse, modify data from external systems or webhooks. The GS SQL Connector is available for all pricing plans.

* Re-authenticating from one browser tab will auto-reauth all other open tabs

* Added Variables to GS SQL: Needed for Connector project

* Dashboard Search bug fixes
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