ctmorrison private msg quote post Address this user
I seem to be experiencing problems deleting stream data--at least when I try to specify a date rate. I continue to get error messages like the one that's attached.
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PigFarmer private msg quote post Address this user
I have experienced the same thing, in case you were worried you were going crazy. It only occurs when I delete ranges of data Brad
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MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
We recently fixed an issue around that, but it appears another one still exists.

A couple of questions:
1. What type of stream? Regular or Interval - does the the stream icon have one dot (regular) or 4 dots (interval)?

2. Is there a roll-up calendar associated with the stream definition?

3. Are you trying to delete data for one stream or more than one stream at a time?

4. When you delete data, are you deleting the start (earliest samples), end, or a range in the middle?
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ctmorrison private msg quote post Address this user
1. At the risk of sounding contrary, there are 4 dots and I believe I created this via a blueprint of an earlier organization before regular points were available (or called that).

2. Yes, there are roll-up calendars

3. I believe I tried both ways of deleting--all data and just a stream at a time.

4. For one organization, the data is from the beginning and for the other, it's a range in the middle.
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MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
1. Ha, you're correct! Four dots for an Interval stream. I'm going to edit my post above and fix that.

3 & 4. So it is happening sometimes, over half the time, or all of the time?
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MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
Also, can you include the System notification stack trace in this post too?
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ctmorrison private msg quote post Address this user
Unfortunately, in my haste to do some housekeeping yesterday, I deleted all of the system messages.

It was happening all the time, but I just tried it and it did not error. That being said, it also appears to not have worked, but it may simply take some time before it's done?

CORRECTION! It appears the derived stream data was not deleted, even though the actual posted stream appears to have been deleted. I assumed (perhaps incorrectly) that if the stream upon which a derived stream was deleted, that the derived points would be deleted, too.
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MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
The derived stream's data will not be automatically deleted. Changes to historical dependents do not impact the derived stream.
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MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
The issue has been identified and a patch will be applied in the next day or two. Thanks!
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MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
This patch has been applied.
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