
A Fresh New Look for GroveStreams394

MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
​GroveStreams will be updated with a more modern, flat, sleek, and spacious user interface design on Thursday, June 2nd at 11:00 AM US Central time.

We wanted to accomplish a couple of things. To start, we wanted to have a theme that looks modern and follows the latest design trends in user interfaces. The minimalistic look is shifted from UI decorations to content.

The second goal was to have a theme that is equally usable on tablets as well as desktops. Components are spaced for easy interaction on tablets, while still looking great on desktops.

Zoom your browser out to see more items, such as fields and grid cells, if you feel this change limits what you can view at one time.

Please inspect your dashboards after we apply this change as some items, especially Stream Form widgets, may need to be adjusted for larger fields.


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MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
This update has been applied. Do an F5 in your browser to pickup the latest web pages or manually clear your browser cache.
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MThomas private msg quote post Address this user
Did the refresh button on the table widget disappear?

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MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
@MThomas - Not intentionally. It will be back with the next production site update.
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dmarks private msg quote post Address this user
We're seeing problems with widgets (particularly steel series) showing up all white with no data. This is happening in Firefox and Safari on Windows and Macs. I'm continuing to investigate. Also, the page seems to become non-responsive in the sense that you can't select another organization (at least).

(edit)For example, Pender School District (organization) and Pender School District Chiller Overview (dashboard).

(edit)This phenom seems to have started mid-day today.

(edit)I didn't see any issues earlier today, but I did change some steel series stream displays to have a width of 0 to allow for desired vertical alignment.

(edit)Widgets other than those with 0 width displays are also effected, although it may merely be due to js erroring out.
Post 5 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
@dmarks - Yes, probably one severe java script error is causing multiple other UI errors later. Do an F5 to refresh things. Then do an F12 to bring up the debugger and watch the Console window of the debugger to see what action you're doing causes the first error.

There are some page load errors that you will see when the page first loads. Those can be ignored.
Post 6 IP   flag post
dmarks private msg quote post Address this user
So...I was logged in with the wrong account when I posted the message above. Sorry about that (white steel series widgets).

Since I changed the steel series displays to be 1 unit wide instead of 0, I've seen no issues. As always, thanks for the super support!
Post 7 IP   flag post
ctmorrison private msg quote post Address this user
So...this time I am logged in to the correct account for my issue!

I went to enable API tracing, but cannot see the digits indicating how many minutes the trace should run. I took a stab at the number of minutes and it is tracing.

I'm using Chrome on a Mac. The same appears to be true for Safari on a Mac.
Post 8 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
@ctmorrison - Looks like we need to increase the width of the minutes field. Thanks for pointing that out.
Post 9 IP   flag post
ctmorrison private msg quote post Address this user
FWIW, we had another dashboard that would not display the steel series properly. I discovered I had also used the 0 (zero) width on a couple of the streams and the issue was resolved once I changed those to 1.

It might be nice to have a "blank space" element that can be dropped into those widgets to achieve the above in a fashion that's a bit more intuitive. Just a thought, but clearly not a high priority need.
Post 10 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
@ctmorrison @dmarks @MThomas :

* The API tracing window layout issues are fixed.

* The Steel Series Single and Odometer widgets now support zero width without causing issues. I guess you guys, and probably others, do zero width to assist with layouts by simulating a Spacer component (an invisible component that adds some space between other components).

* Table widget Refresh button is back
Post 11 IP   flag post
ctmorrison private msg quote post Address this user
FWIW, the fix works in (Chrome and) Safari, but not in Firefox (at least not on a Mac). I did multiple refreshes of the page, but without benefit.

I've changed the widths back to 1 to resolve the issue.
Post 12 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by ctmorrison
FWIW, the fix works in (Chrome and) Safari, but not in Firefox
- Should work in Firefox now.
Post 13 IP   flag post
ctmorrison private msg quote post Address this user
Just tested in Firefox (on a Mac) and it seems to work fine. Thanks!
Post 14 IP   flag post
ctmorrison private msg quote post Address this user
A couple of minor issues:

In Events, if you expand the "Advanced" settings area, you cannot see/access the "Save" or "Cancel" buttons. It simply requires collapsing that section, but I wanted you to be aware.

In the time filter dialogue, it appears that if you click "include" prior to selecting a time slot(s), the dialogue hangs. That being said, THANK YOU!!! for adding the ability to select multiple cells!!!

There are situations in which I get logged out due to inactivity and the resulting login dialogue is only about 1/2 the height it needs to be in order to see the fields and buttons. I believe this is if I close my laptop without logging out and then come back later. Next time I see this, I'll forward particulars. It does happen somewhat often to me.
Post 15 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
@ctmorrison - We have confirmed and are fixing all three. Thanks!
Post 16 IP   flag post
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