
dashboard/graph/settings/data/"apply expression" to stream of binary.510

ero4444 private msg quote post Address this user
how to?

dashboard/graph/settings/data/"apply expression" to stream of binary.

Right now my Zwave contact sensor is reporting the opposite-desired sense (TRUE when fan is OFF). Apparently the sensor has no parameters to adjust this report.

I have worked around it by making a derived stream, 1. but can the "apply expression" above, be used to graph using the original stream instead? 2. I tried "!" "NOT" etc. but I could not figure out what the whole expression should be?

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MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user

Use value in the expression for the current sample being processed like these examples:
value + 1
value * 100
if(value,"On", "Off"

Also, if your stream is defined with a Value Type of Boolean, then you can configure a Unit for the stream to display on/off and some other identifiers.
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ero4444 private msg quote post Address this user
yep that did it.

Thanks - I missed the title in the property box, "!value" works for my purpose.
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