
How to get an alert if door is opened for more than 45 seconds ?527

pat private msg quote post Address this user

I don't see how I could used derived stream, latency event or other to get an alert if my door is opened for more than 45 seconds, any help ?

I receive a 1 each time the door is open and a 0 each time it is closed.

How can I set an alert if I don't receive a 0 within 45 seconds from the last 1 received ?

Thank you
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MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
You will have to user derived streams and get a derived stream to derive automatically at the current time.

See this thread:

Also search for "kicker" in the forum.

Your logic can compare the source stream for a 1 and track the SAMPLE_TIME. Then use time()-SAMPLE_TIME to get the number of milliseconds that have passed. Setup an event/alert on the derived stream.

This won't get you an alert at the 45 sec mark, but you should get one within 3 minutes since derivation runs 2-3 minute cycles.
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