
SmartThings Integration Broken542

MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
Several users have reported that SmartThings has changed in a way that has broken our SmartThings integration example/tutorial.

We haven't had time to investigate this yet, but if anyone has figured out another new way to push data from ST into GS, please post it.

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ero4444 private msg quote post Address this user
using smartthings after sunset of groovy, turned into pushing on a rope, so I switched to streaming from Hubitat.

Is anybody streaming from Smartthings now? I'd be interested if it can yet be done even with an Rpi or something.
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MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
We, GroveStreams, still haven't had time to investigate this.

We're busy trying to get our MQTT enhancement into production since it might be part of the solution.
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