
streamId now creating a new stream called streamid543

Avocadodude private msg quote post Address this user
Well it's been years since I've had to ask a question...

This is what I've been using to create the samples-
samples.append({ 'compId': component_id, 'streamId' : stream_id, 'data' : Zone17, 'time' : sample_time })

I send an update when a valve opens or closes so I can track the state. It's worked fine for years. Not it's creating a new stream called "streamid" with whatever is in stream_id

Anything change with how streamId is handled?
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Avocadodude private msg quote post Address this user
Kind of answering my own question. If I just specify the stream it works.
component_id = "Farm"
stream_id = "Zone17"
Zone17 = False
base_url = '/api/feed?'

url = base_url + urllib.parse.urlencode({'compId': component_id, 'Zone17' : Zone17, 'time' : sample_time })

I kind of over complicated it. Not sure why it stopped working, but working now just specifying the stream.
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MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
Nothing in that area has changed recently, but we'll watch for similar issues.
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