MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
This thread is used to report the latest changes to GroveStreams. The date of the post will reflect when the change occurred.

1) Changed dashboard chart widget Refresh button to query for all samples so that changes to historical samples are also displayed.

2) Fixed [Bug 0003] : New Notifications Missing. The "Show messages from" date will be automatically set to "Today" when the notifications window is opened or when the Refresh button is clicked.

3) Fixed [Bug 0002] : Changing Arduino Sample Frequency

4) My Default View: Added the ability for a user to mark a dashboard or map as their default view. The default view will be opened automatically when the user enters Observation Studio and the Quick Viewer will also be automatically collapsed. Right click on your dashboard or map within Content Explorer to see the "My Default View" option.

5) Added the ability to copy streams within the component and component template editors. The user has the ability to enter the number of copies they would like to make up to 100. All of a stream's attributes are copied except the name has "(copy)" appended to it and the ID attribute is cleared.

6) Added "Remember me" to the re-authentication window. Tired of being prompted for your credentials? Then click "Remember me".

7) The organization combo box at the top of the studios is now hidden if there is only one organization.
Post 1 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
1) Enabled SMS texts to all major countries. We will be enabling almost every other country once we are confident things are working correctly. Send us your country if your texts are not working and we'll enable it sooner.

2) Fixes
* Share dashboard was broken last week. Fixed.
* Component definition became corrupt if a component was saved via the advanced API and streams had the same UID. Fixed.
* Component definition became corrupt if a stream was added to the component, used in a stream derivation formula, and then was deleted from the component during the same editing session. Fixed.
Post 2 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
1) The great folks at Ninja Post have added a code button for formatting code in our posts. I haven't tried it yet, but I see it. You might have to do a hard F5 browser refresh to pick it up.
Post 3 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
1) Applied API patch to fix api_key security rights look-ups that returned UNKNOWN EXCEPTION. The issue is discussed more in this thread:
Post 4 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
1) Fixed intermittent missing email notifications sent from events on derived streams.

2) Improved the order of Start and Stop Notification arrivals during rapid event triggers. Rapid triggers can occur when many samples for a stream are uploaded or derived within the same transaction.

3) Changed Event Delay time from inclusive to exclusive. See the modeling guide for a Delay example.

4) Added Event Dwell feature. Dwell is the amount of time that must elapse between the start of one event to allow the next event to start. This property is useful for avoiding event storms that may send many notifications in a short period of time. See the modeling guide for a Dwell example.

5) Improved SMS notification system error messages. SMS delivery error system notifications were too vague for a user to determine what was wrong prior to this fix.

6) Improved string length validation error messages. The first several hundred characters of the string are now returned to help users identify the string that is too long.

7) Allow users to set the polling interval for notifications. Notification polling transactions are included as part of the monthly billing transaction count so we now allow users to decrease the polling amount to keep their transaction counts lower. Also added the Show Notification Pop-ups switch to organization information so that the switch value is retained between sessions. Click on Admin - Organization Information within a studio to change the polling amount or to disable notification popups.

8) Allow comments to be added to expressions. Java style comments and hashes are now supported.

9) Added new notification variables:

Example: If a latency of 121 seconds is set, the [comp_event.updateLatencyFormatted] value will be "2 minutes 1 second"
Post 5 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
1) Fix for dashboard chart label formatting. Line chart tic lines could appear to be in the incorrect position. This could happen when the axes label value decimals are trimmed off during the formatting of the label. Axes tic lines will now only be drawn on whole numbers if the result of the formatting is a non-Decimal number.

2) Fix for Random Stream Viewer save. Editing some historical values within the Random Stream Viewer and clicking Save sometimes did not actually save some of the new values.

3) Fix to remove cell dirty flags within Stream Viewers after a successful save occurs.

4) Allow users to enter seconds within Stream Viewer date range navigation selectors.

5) Updated Feeder Gallery page.

6) Ninja post fixed the issue of smileys appearing within code snippets within forum posts.
Post 6 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
1) Added new table dashboard widget:
Details can be found here:

2) Added the ability to create a component template based on an existing component. Right click on a component and select Create Template from Component.

3) Improved navigation performance within the Component and Template editors.
4) Fixed Time Filter bug where UTC time zone was applied within stream derivation.
Post 7 IP   flag post
fixingthingsguy private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you for the documentation of the updates.

I have an application that creates updates when an event occurs, think door open or door close.
So when that event occurs, I start the Ethernet connection, and update GS and shut it down.
1.A question is what in my case is the purpose of updateFrequency in the Arduino script? As long as I keep a PUT call from occurring within 10sec of each I should be fine, is what I'm thinking and I wouldn't use updateFrequency.
Is updateFrequency a needed data element for GS? Does it trigger other actions.
For the present I have set it quite low, knowing my events don't occur more than 20 times a day.
2. Even though the events occur ~20 times a day,I see updates to the Random (stream table) being updated every few minutes, varying. I would expect that the updates wouldn't exceed my ~20 quantity.

As always, thank you for clarifying my thoughts.
Post 8 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
updateFrequency is only used by the GS Arduino sketch to test if enough time has occurred to do an update.

It sounds like you're doing random updates (door open/closed) so you'll need to change the if condition within the existing example:
if(!client.connected() && (millis() - lastSuccessfulUploadTime > updateFrequency))
    String temps = getTemperatures();

To something like:
if(!client.connected() && (doorStateChanged()))
    String state = getDoorState();
Post 9 IP   flag post
fixingthingsguy private msg quote post Address this user
Thank you for taking the time to display the suggested changes. I removed updateFrequency (for those who are wondering, I don't update on a fixed interval, so don't change your Arduino sketch unless required) and things work fine, as well as reducing the number of transactions required.
Post 10 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
1) Added new Organization UI Transaction Management settings. See:

2) Added a Refresh button to dashboard toolbars. All widgets can now be refreshed at the same time.

3) Widgets now allow their polling values to be set to zero. Zero indicates not to do any polling.

4) Fixed time filter bug that occurred for interval streams when the time filter interval size was larger than the stream interval size.

5) Fixed Gauge graphics when the stream value was greater than the gauge configured maximum.

6) Fixed maps not displaying properly with Chrome browsers

7) Added a default numeric format setting to new Units.

8) New organizations will now default widget polling to zero or no polling.

9) Organization constraint settings (polling limits and notification hourly limits) are now included within blueprints.
Post 11 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
1) Added the option to graph the start date or end date of each interval stream's interval within a widget graph. The start date is the default for all new graph widgets.

2) Fixed a bug that caused events to end prematurely. This bug only existed for Interval Streams during the batch upload of many samples for a single stream with values that triggered events followed by gaps.

3) Improved automatic Component and Stream Registration with the Feed PUT API:
- All Feed PUT APIs will now create generic components and random streams if the components or streams do not exist. We used to return an error if they did not exist and a component template was not included.
- All Feed APIs now have the ability to dynamically create streams on-the-fly based on a component template stream. This is done by including two optional parameters on the Feed PUT URL: dsId: The ID of the stream to created the new stream from. dtId: The component template ID that dsId belongs too.

More information about automatic registration can be found within the modeling guide and within each Feed PUT API resource page.
Post 12 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
1) Added the ability to forward system notifications as emails to the owner of the organization.

2) Added Close/Open and High/Low to Boolean Unit formatting options.

3) Added Bitwise operators to stream derivation expressions:
And: a & b
Or: a | b
Complement: ~a
Xor: a ** b
Left shift: a >> b
Right shift: a << b
Right shift with zero extension: a <<< b
Post 13 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
1) We no longer show an error window if automatic notification polling encounters errors.

2) Added a Raspberry Pi Metrics Tutorial. This tutorial installs a Python script onto the Raspberry Pi. The Python script uploads the Raspberry Pi's system metrics (cpu, memory, disk) to GroveStreams.

Take a look and send us some feedback on how we can improve the tutorial before we pass the link around. Thanks!
Post 14 IP   flag post
steveb private msg quote post Address this user
I think your link needs correcting to ( and also may be better in a new thread?)

Seems sensible but I don't have a Pi to to try it on

There was talk of some point in the past of having 2 levels of account - a standard or simple view and an advanced view , where standard view hides a load of the more enterprise type options such as component studio (I mistakenly did a load of setup in this, not realising that the place I wanted to be was the observation studio "components" area)

Post 15 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
Corrected the above link. A more simple GS experience is in the pipeline. Thanks steve.

1) Added the capability for gaps to be set by the derivation engine. Just return NULL (all caps) for the result and that interval will be considered a gap

2) Changed "?&" to "?" for many of our URLs including calls made from our website and RSS calls. ?& wasn't causing any problems, but it's not the proper way to include the first URL parameter.
Post 16 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
1) Fixed line/bar chart widget axes min/max bug. Min/Max had stopped working for a while.

2) Changed how we report elapsed time:
- Old format example: 1.9 days ago or 1.7 minutes ago
- New format example: 1d 23h ago or 1m 42s ago

3) Added Electric Imp Example:
Post 17 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
1) Fixed a derivation bug that prevented a component with a derived stream with a variable argument function (round, min, max, ect.) from being saved. This bug was introduced last weekend.

2) Added Tick Interval axes setting to line/bar graph widgets. It allows for the setting of the frequency of tic lines and solves some axes min/max issues with non decimal formatted axis.
Post 18 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
1) Allow Random Stream Offsets within Random Stream Derivation formula expressions. See

2) Added an API to get or set a component's name and/or description. See

3) Added the organization name to the subject line for system notification emails.

4) Added the ability to copy dashboard widgets. See

5) Cleaned up the process of changing an organization's owner. See
Post 19 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
1) Applied patch to fix deriving an Interval stream from a Random stream with an offset. Last night's update had broken this. See
Post 20 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
1) Added the ability to share a dashboard within a single webpage with non GS registered users. See

2) Added an HTML dashboard widget. Add images, text, links and other HTML items to your dashboard. HTML widgets are a great way to "chain" shared dashboards together by adding HTML links to your other dashboards. See

3) Fixed pipe, |, delimiter bug for JSONless feed PUT URL.

4) Fixed feed unit formatting bug. A format of 0,000 would still leave a decimal on a number after formatting. This only occurred when formatting occurred on a GS server and not in java script within a browser - which is rare.
Post 21 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
1) Added Value Arrival event. For more information, see
Post 22 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
1) Added two new Action Package Message Variables:
[stream.latestValue] - The latest value of the stream.
[stream.latestValueWithUnit] - The latest value of the stream with the unit.

These new variables are useful for when a Delivery Frequency is being leveraged. Messages can now contain the initial trigger value and the latest stream value.
Post 23 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
1) Fixed dashboard widget polling issues. See:

2) Added a follow-up tutorial to the Electric Imp Example called GroveStreams Temperature Tutorial. The new tutorial steps through:
- Creating a component template
- Exploring a temperature stream
- Creating a dashboard
- Detecting events and sending notifications
Post 24 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
1) Added date and time custom formatting by user. See

2) Added new Payer user role. See

3) Fixed a bug that set a user's timezone to UTC when they edited their profile from the mobile site.

4) Fixed a bug that prevented the component tracking widget from showing components when it first appeared.
Post 25 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
1) Added an Energy Cost Tutorial.

2) Fixed Embedded widgets not appearing in IE11 bug: See

3) Fixed selecting event_instance within the API key Editor resource type menu not working bug. See towards the bottom of this thread for details:
Post 26 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
1) Added the ability to auto-detect if stream text values are URLs, and if so, allow the user to click on them. See
Post 27 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
1) GS now sends a System Notification when new streams are created dynamically during a feed PUT.

2) Added the capability to copy an Action Package within the same organization.

3) Fixed graph tick interval setting not saving bug.
Post 28 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
1) Added the ability to only show markers instead of lines within chart widgets. See

2) Fixed a bug within widget charts that caused lines to not appear if one of the streams had not uploaded data within the time span being viewed when X number of Cycles were chosen.

3) Added the ability to set a margin to the chart time axes so that columns and lines will not cover the vertical axes labels. See

4) SMS support for Mexico.
Post 29 IP   flag post
MikeMills private msg quote post Address this user
1) Applied patch for Random Stream Viewer. See
Post 30 IP   flag post
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